I want to capture YOU!  This is an important part of your life and documenting it will be something you will NEVER REGRET!   Expect to laugh, share stories and expect to have a great time!  The Senior Magazine is currently being updated.  Please stay tuned for more information.  Or email Nikki at for specific answers to your questions. 


Nikki Guest Photography is starting its search for High School Senior Representatives for the Class of 2020! If you are currently a junior and will be graduating high school in 2020 or know of someone who is and want to be a senior rep, then check out the information below!



  • A “Let’s Rock the Shot Session” -Professional hairstyling and makeup artistry (she will go along for the ride to ensure you look your best!) between 2-3 hours of shooting time, up to 3 outfit changes and up to 2 locations, for FREE during Summer 2019 where you will receive a viewing gallery of 20+ photos!
  • A free ap for your phone that shares your fun gallery and allows you to refer business with the technology your peers thrive on!  Plus the glamorous treatment your representation of Nikki Guest’s photography will help you earn discounts and rewards! 
  • A Senior Rep spotlight blog post, featuring you, and your hobbies & interests! Your favorite photos to share on social networking sites.   



  • You must currently be a 2019 Junior, graduating in 2020

You must live in the Houston area. (Not sure if you qualify? Just ask!)

  • Have great style, an outgoing personality and enjoy being in front of the camera.
  • Have an online social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…etc.
  • Agree to tell your friends and classmates about Nikki Guest Photography and share your senior portraits with them.
  • Have your parents or legal guardians sign a model release form.
  • You and your parents must agree to promote only Nikki Guest Photography for your senior portraits from the time of acceptance through the entire 2018-2019 school year.
  • Become a fan of the Nikki Guest Facebook Fan page.